Thursday, May 20, 2010

Final Exam Distance Learning

1. One thing I was surprised to learn in this course is:...I was surprised to learn this because...

One thing I was surprised to learn in this course is how even thought title IX helped out alot within the women's sports there is still some discrimination and bias towards women in sports but in a more subtle way in today's society. I was surprised to learn this because before i took this class i didn't really pay attention to how women were portrayed in sports through magazines and television. The awareness paper really helped me see just how women were portrayed for their pretty faces and bodies instead of their talents and skills in the sports they play in.

2. If you could share one idea from this course with others, what would it be, and why?

If I could share one idea from this course with others it would be to not judge, not to make stereotypes and not to treat people bad because of what we preceive them to be because from watching the film "training rules" I was able to see how alot of those women who played basketball were prejudged and labeled just from their appearance or because they were on the basketball team. For example, the young woman named Jennifer Harris she was labeled a lesbian only because she wore her braids in what people thought were too masculine when in fact she was not a lesbian. Therefore, we shouldn't treat people ugly and different just because of stereotypes or because they are different from us because it can hurt people and mess up their lives in some cases.

Erika Boone
TuTh 930-1045a

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