Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Final Exam-Distance Learning

1) Did your view of women in sport change as a result of this course? Why or why not?
Yes. My awareness and knowledge of women in sport completely changed from this course. I have taken a variety of women's studies courses and feel that I understand a substantial amount of knowledge on feminist theory and history. But I have never looked in depth at women in the athletic domain and this class truly opened my eyes to an even larger scale. I think I always assumed that discrimination for female athletes was not nearly as relevant as it is today because we are not being educated enough in it. After taking Kin338i I realized how ridiculous that sense of ignorance is, because change will not evolve with an absence of knowledge.

2) If you could share one idea from this course with others, what would it be and why?
Most specifically, learning about Title IX and its significant history brought an awareness to the struggles and discrimination female athletes still face today. I would definitely share this idea with others because I myself was shocked I did not know anything about it. The history of Title IX and the stories that surround it, are so important for all people (including athletes) to understand because it affects them, regardless if they want to believe it. By gaining this knowledge, we can correlate the problems we still face today to those thirty years ago and can see the progress that as developed over time.

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