Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Penn State Distance Learning Assignment

With the scandal being all over the internet and news by social media it’s hard to miss it or not know what’s going on. It is showing Sandusky and Paterno with no mercy and is letting out all the truth and every little bit of information that they can find on them which I believe is great because it’s releasing the truth that they have been hiding.The media is showing and talking more about Paterno and Penn State football when they should be covering the stories on Sandusky since he is the real criminal and main subject of the whole issue. He is the one who started the whole thing. Issues of power, media, and deviance intersect especially in the Penn State scandal is by Sandusky was being deviant and using his so called power to rape and sexual abuse young boys. Sandusky and Paterno were both being deviant about the situation that was happening. They thought that because they were high ranked they had the power to do whatever they want, but they were only abusing their power. The media in this case intersects because the issues are about people being sneaky, deviant, and people abusing power and hiding the truth.
I don’t understand or can even make sense of Sandusky’s crimes. I can only think of one reason why Paterno would try to cover up his crime. It had to be because they have known each other for many years they both “had each other’s backs” all the time, but in a situation like this paterno should of the right thing and told the police and not try to protect his friend who was doing something horrible. Paterno probably figured that no one would ever find out and if he kept it a secret and Sandusky did then nothing would happen. It makes me disgusted to know that paterno let him stay on the team with all these boy athletes knowing what he has done.
My reactions to this scandal are disgusted. Sandusky abused his powers and sexual raped many young boys who are now probably terrified of a coach. Which is wrong on so many levels. Athletes shouldn’t be abused and scared of their coaches, coaches are suppose to be mentors or role models and Sandusky and Paterno both screwed that up. They lied and hid the truth from thousands of people and didn’t even seem to care. The school was right to fire Paterno and take his statue down. He was suppose to be a good representation of Penne State and now he’s an embarrassment along with Sandusky. Paterno should of went to the police as soon as he found out about Sandusky.
Robin Mora
KIN 338I_Section 01

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