Thursday, November 17, 2011

Distance Learning Assignment

Social media has played as an important part in today society, and especially in the younger generation. However, social media could be a broad term sometimes that we cannot easily defined it. I know that social media is a very popular activity going on, but what had really opened my eyes about this perspective is the PSU scandal. I barely pay attention to the news, and even worse is that I never really care about the sport news. About an hour ago, I must admitted that I am totally had no clue about this PSU thing. By just a few terms to put in the “search” box, I could easily access to and read several of different articles related to the scandal. Social media is a very powerful technique that could cause a lot of affect in the scandal. The more popular the “related persons” are, the more news and comments will appear on the internet. Even though there were a lot of articles talk about the PSU scandal but its broadening did confuse me at the beginning. I saw different headlines like Joe Paterno was fired, Penn State doing charity, or even Paterno hand house over for his wife for just $1. The scandal had shaped every perspective in the media.

I can’t really give any personal reactions to the scandal since I have no idea what is Penn State, and how much effect it brings to the sport world. Based on a few articles that I have read, I could tell that many people are disappointed with what happened. They described it as a tragedy and couldn’t even believe the truth. If I were someone that really loves sport in general, and football in specific, I believe I would feel the same thing. It is difficult to accept the fact that someone who really gets your respect would do something to destroy your view toward them.

Tammy Mai - KIN338I, S01

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