Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Different Perspective

At the beginning of the course, I must admit that my main purpose for taking this class was just to get enough 12 units for the semester. Since the time schedule for the class was also a perfect timing; so I just want to get over with a capstone course as soon as possible. This class had prove to me that I was wrong about underestimate a capston class. The course had cover a lot of perspective among female athletes, from history to emotionally and physically problems.

For example, what had really open my eyes was the topic about female athletes and the media. I would not go deep into the topic if it was not for the panel paper. I am seriously disagree with the female athletes who pose sexually in the media. Prior to the course, whenever look at those pictures, what came to my mind was that those women appeard sexually just for the purpose of money. Until now, I was able to understand the difficulty among female athletes. The society and their female identity had make them changing through time.

In today lecture, another thing that opened my eyes was the techniques and the ways to analyze a picture. In the past, I was just simply glance at the pictures without taking time to go deep into the thinking. However, I was amazed by the way that other class members comment on the Media Set pictures. I realized that there was so many different perspective that we really have to digging in order to understand. This course had sure taught me a lot of things in life, and prove to me as a worth capstone class.

Tammy Mai
KIN338I, S.01

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