Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Woman Can Sometimes Do It Better

I just happened to be on Yahoo! today and came across an article stating that a London man was disqualified from a marathon due to the fact that he was caught cheating catching a bus to complete the last five miles of the race, stripping him of his third place placement. And to think just two days before this, there was an article of a 39 weeks pregnant woman from Chicago who not only participated, but also completed the Chicago Marathon right before giving birth to a healthy baby girl. Having come across these two stories it brings me back to the film we watched in class 'Dare to Compete,' when women were prohibited to do any form of sports that required strenuous work such as running, for their uterus were probably going to "fall out."

The articles just go to show that women have overcome a lot over the time since they were not able to participate in any form of activity that required them to do more than lift their hands while doing household work. Running was thought to be a men only sport, but seeing how a healthy man in his early 30's had to cheat to complete a marathon, while a fully pregnant Amber Miller was able to run half of it and walk the rest to complete it, is totally baffling if you think back on what was expected at the time. Something that Rob Sioan the London man should be ashamed and humiliated by right now.

Having come across these articles and looking back on the video, it is unthinkable to think that women would have been able to come this far from not even being able to run and now having a fully pregnant woman be able to complete a full marathon and a man, the sex to believe that they were the almighty beings to only participate in running, have to take the easy way out and cheat his way into completing a marathon. This just shows that sometimes a woman can do it better.

These are the links to the two articles if you are interested in taking a look:
London Man Disqualified for Cheating in Marathon
Woman Gives Birth After Completing Chicago Marathon

Malisa Ma
KIN 338I Sec 01

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