Monday, October 24, 2011

Female Basketball

With the WNBA championships recently over, it made me think about women'sbasketball and the perceptions around it. In my experiences with my friends, many people view women basketball as inferior. When I would ask my friends if they saw any recent WNBA games, they would look at me funny and then proceed to say something along the lines that women basketball is boring.

It also made me think: what if a woman could break into the NBA? Being a positive person, I changed that to when will a woman break into the NBA?

Personally I believe it will happen within my lifetime. While it is true that from an anatomy perspective that men will be stronger on average, I still believe there will be a woman with just the right skill set and enough athleticism to break the barrier. I can see a super fast point guard with superior abilities to make open lanes with her dribbling and her passing ability. She would have to be able to hit the three pointer on a consistent basis. She would need to be aggressive, unrelenting, and strong. She would also need great mental fortitude to block out the fact that she will be the only female and to also block out society telling her no.

People think I'm crazy for this thinking this but in the past we almost had a woman actually make it. Ann Meyers was a superstar in her time. In 1980, she signed a 50,000 dollar contract with the Indiana Pacers but eventually was not chosen for the final team. We've already had a woman sign a contract with a team; now all we need is a woman to actually play.

Call me crazy but I do see a woman making it in this century. She would need to break many barriers and have a specific skillset but she can make it. Maybe one day we could also get a woman to play in the frontcourt too. Now that would be really crazy.

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