Wednesday, October 12, 2011

NCAA Transgender Policy

Recently, the NCAA passed a policy clarifying the opportunities given to transgendered athletes. Previously, opportunities for those going through treatment were unclear. For a transgender male (female to male) who is receiving testosterone treatment may participate on a men’s or mixed team. (A mixed team is only allowed to compete in men’s championships.) A transgender female (male to female) may continue to play on a men’s team and after one year of testosterone suppression may compete on a women’s team.
This does clarify how and when a transgendered athlete can continue to play sports in the NCAA during and after their treatment. However, the male/female binary in NCAA sports is still defined. By only allowing “mixed” teams to compete for a men’s title, this gender segregation continues to pinpoint female athletes as less competitive and less able in their chosen sport.

A. Page
kin 338I.S6

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