As I was watching 2008 women’s beach volleyball world tour Finland vs. Greece that opened recently, it reminded me what I’ve learned from class regarding differences of uniform between male volleyball player and female player. On TV, both announcer and commentator were so excited and agitated with those female volleyball players who were all look a like model and has great body shape with only tiny size of uniform (bikini like) on. Commentator kept saying that “they (player) are good enough to be a professional model and I’m so confused if they are volleyball players or super models. Ha-ha.” My first reaction towards commentator was what he is talking about. Soon after, I found out that couple of players who commentator pointed out often appears on the fashion and bikini magazine as the cover page model. Over all, as our class discussed about this type of issue in most of the time, I realized again that the media still expresses female athletes as sexual symbol even in 21st century and will do the same thing in the future as long as the money and male dominated social system is involved.
Ho Park TTh 9:30-10:45 kin 338I.S6
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