Thursday, May 15, 2008

Viewing Male V. Female Sports

In American society it is more popular for both male and females to watch male sports and not female sports. How often do guys or girls gather on a monday night, drink beers and watch womens volleyball or tennis? Even men enjoy watching male sports like football and baseball better than tennis or womens swimming. I would think it would be different, and that men would enjoy to watch women compete, especially if they are wearing close to nothing. For my research topic, my question was why do both males and females prefer to watch male sports? As a viewer i would guess that men would want to watch female sports and competition, and females would want to watch male sports. As i found in articles and among my own peer group, both males and females would rather watch male sports because they are more competitive than female sports. I think that even though equality in sports and sports broadcasting for both men and women, i still see over and over again male sports dominating the TV. As we learned in class, i think it would take even more time for male and female sports to reach equality in competition and interest among viewers, and because males(in most ways) are more competitive, both males and females choose to watch their sports.

Katherine Lian Burton
KIN 338I Weds 7-945

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