Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Angela Madsen

Today's guest speaker Angela Madsen, had some very interesting things to say about life in general. I had no idea who she was or what she did but after today's presentation I'm very glad we as a class had the opportunity to meet her. It seems like before becoming a paraplegic, Angela was a very driven, hard working, goal oriented young lady. After her telling us about how she became a paraplegic and how the surgery went wrong, I cant believe it took the government thirteen years for them to finally compensate her for the surgical mistake they made. It's amazing how much her accident changed her life in a positive way. I can't believe that being a paraplegic didn't stop her from trying new sports she probably never imagined doing, that just shows how much heart and pride she has for herself. It made me realize that I sometimes take what I have for granted. After hearing her struggles and how she pulled through and is a very successful athlete, motivates me and made me realize that anything is possible. It's amazing how active she is and inspiring to see her participating in so many sports, despite her injury. Angela Madsen is an amazing person, she is funny, smart and generous and has such a positive attitude in life. I am very amazed and proud of her for her accomplishments. Being the first female and paraplegic to cross the Atlantic Ocean and crossing the Indian Ocean and setting a world record is amazing and very inspiring. I can't even explain in words how motivating and inspiring that is to me and how much I look up to her and disabled athletes who are successful in sport. I am so thankful and glad we had the opportunity to meet Angela Madsen. I want to thank her because after today's presentation, she definitely made me look at life differently.

Damian Perez
Tues-Thurs 2pm-3:15pm

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