Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Angela Madsen

Today's guest speaker was motivating and interesting to listen to. It was nice to have a guest speaker that was local to the area. When listening to Angela's story pre-injury, I wouldn't think that she would be a rower. I think that rowing gives Angela the opportunity to be competitive and still be involved in sports. It seems that Angela seeks out a challenge that people think she can't do like crossing the pond with a two person ocean row boat. Her story reminds me of a guy that I know named Travis Roy. Travis was hit from behind in the first eleven seconds of his first shift while playing hockey for Boston University. He was paralyzed from the neck down and would never play hockey again. He is also a motivational speaker and found that his story had a profound impact on my life. Its truly inspiring to listen to the story told by Angela and how it has shaped her life in such a positive way.

Albie Sears
Women in Sports t-th 2-3:15

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