Thursday, December 1, 2011

Penn State as a Poster Child

After watching the video “Training Rules” and hearing about the current scandal at Penn State, personally I have felt a strong dislike towards this just named university. There are other universities where bad things happen as well but for some odd reason Penn State has got caught. Rene Portland was an anti-lesbian and I found it very disturbing what she put those young girl athletes through. Many of the former women basketball players that played for Rene and were lesbian are now living a very hard life and with many psychological problems. Not only did Rene Portland ruin those young athlete’s basketball careers but they are also scarred for life. Both Rene and Sandusky have scarred young people for life and the major disturbance I have with this is that no major authority would put a stop to it and that just because of college athletics they got away with things ordinary people would not be able to get away with. If I’m not mistaken a math professor at Penn State made that point during the film that if he was discriminating he would have lost his job but because Rene Portland was in college athletics she got to discriminate all she wanted. They need to put a stop when it comes to letting big college athletics get away with anything they want just because they are producing a prestigious name.

Daniel Barajas kin.338i Sec.06

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