Thursday, December 8, 2011


One thing that I found very interesting was the topic about homophobia. I didn’t know that there was so much homophobia in our country until I saw the video Training Rules and I read the articles about homophobia and heterosexism. I cannot believe that the things that were going on with the Penn State Lady Lions was allowed to happen. There were many people that were aware that this was happening but yet didn’t do anything to stop it. I just find it sad that many people knew about this “no lesbians” on the team rule but yet nobody took action against it. Even after the school implemented sexual orientation to the discrimination policy, Rene Portland was still in charge of the team and still didn’t change anything about her “no lesbians” rule. I think there should be more awareness about homophobia and there should be ways of stopping things like this from occurring again. People should not have to hide their life only because others are not o.k. with their sexual preference. They should be able to live their life the way they want to and not worry about changing their lifestyle because of society’s expectations.

Hector Barajas

KIN 338i

Section 06

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