Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Body Image

It is a well-known fact that women have always had some kind of body dissatisfaction, whether their hips are too big, or their eyes are too small. There is some characteristic or genetic trait that a woman can beat them self up about. Constant conversation topics that I have had among my friends have included degrading ourselves. We each continue the conversation, with statements of what we are unhappy with. Although this should not be considered normal behavior, it is something I think women participate in. It’s a terrible cycle that girls have created and continue to be stuck in. We don’t like something about ourselves, so we talk about our insecurity and then point out negative things in others as well. This course went one step further with the articles and additional information on this topic. With the readings brought the extended knowledge that was most surprising to me, adolescent girls as young as eight years old are having body image issues. At such a young age girls are very influenced by what they are surrounded by, and also are pressured by their peers. Society has put a great value on looks. This has made me much more aware of what I am saying and how I portray myself around younger girls. I have tried to make it a point to not say anything negative especially about myself but also not about other girl’s body images.

Natalie Bell

Section 1

1 comment:

Alicia mercado said...

I strongly agree with what you are saying. One of the main topics we always talk among my friends is about our weight. Even though some of them are normal weight. We need to stop this fat talk and pointing out our "bad" features and realize that we are beautiful the way we are. And i think this class made me realize that.
Alicia mercado