Monday, December 12, 2011

What do you want from me?

While searching among the many advertisements directed towards women an idea struck me. While there has been much complaint about how ads showing women are sexualized and often times not directly relating to what they are selling, there seems to be just as much complaining regarding the exact opposite as well. Women are complaining when ads are treating women exactly the same as men and approaching their sales the same way they would approach men. While I understand the fact that men and women are different, I would think that at least moving in the direction of equality would bring about more good than otherwise it seems that women just don't seem to be happy with whatever changes do come about. After a good search through all the ads I came to the conclusion that maybe they just want to have something to complain about. The ads seemed to be moving in a progressive direction but the criticisms of the does not seem to be relenting whatsoever. This brought me to the question what do women want to see in advertising? If they don't want to see women sexualized or in provocative clothing or poses and they don't want to see women acting like men then what will satisfy them to buy a product.

Ryan Plunkett
Kin 338I

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