Wednesday, December 14, 2011


In our last meeting, one of the questions asked was, "Did you perspective on women in sport change?" I guess my opinion did change, as I didn't have much of an opinion about it when class first started.

I had never thought of the all the extra struggles women face in sport compared to men. I simply thought they were not as popular because the sport wasn't as physical due to anatomical differences. I was partially right, but I now realize that there are much bigger problems for women than simply having their pelvis angled differently than men.

The biggest one that stuck out to me was the battle that women had to fight between how masculinity was sought after in sport while it was the opposite in society. To excel at their sport, women had to be aggressive and strong, but to do so came at the cost of their supposed "femininity." Women at the highest tier of sport would skimp out on lifting because it would make them appear "manly."

It's also weird to realize that nearly everybody feeds into this mentality that women are inferior. I realized it when I was talking about girls with my guy friends. We all agreed that women who play sports are usually pretty darn cute. That is, until they get too ridiculously buff and start to look like a man. At that point, I realized how far society has been able to perpetuate that belief unto its members.

This class really was an eyeopener for me. It removed the veil for me about femininity and showed me that it wasn't a battle simply for the women to fight. I really do hope many more people take this class so they may see for themselves.

Bryant Pham
Kin 338i
TuTh 930-1045

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