It is really disappointing to watch all the media and attention a sole person can get these days. Tiger Woods' developing story has taken over the media. Every sports channel and magazine is covering this story. This really shows how the whole world cares about one person's private life. Woods is facing something similar to what Kobe Bryant went through a couple of years ago. Only this time it is a little more blown up. It appears as though Tiger Woods has had three affairs with different women for a period of time now. Regarded as "The billion dollar athlete," Woods has not had a press conference to state what really happened but did address the following, "I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart," Woods said on his Web site. "I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone. "Whatever regrets I have about letting my family down have been shared with and felt by us alone. I have given this a lot of reflection and thought and I believe that there is a point at which I must stick to that principle even though it's difficult... "I will strive to be a better person and the husband and father that my family deserves. For all of those who have supported me over the years, I offer my profound apology...."
I believe this is proof of how much power athletes have these days and how important they are to major companies. Such as the ones who endorse Woods. Some of these include Gillette, Nike, and Gatorade. All which have chosen to support their athlete for the moment. Tiger Woods might of commit ed something wrong but I feel that people should not care too much about it because after all it is his private life. On the other hand he does represent many multimillion dollar companies who expect the best of him, especially after the millions of dollars he receives from them. In the end, he is a role model to many people and will always be in the spotlight. Therefore I would say he needs to be more careful with the decisions that he makes.
Shusaku Isagawa
KIN 332I
Section 3017
I too have been astonished at how much press the Tiger Woods situation is getting. To me his private life is his private life and should be kept out of the media. I understand why the press has blown this story up though. It is a huge story and people love the drama involved in it. Before this Tiger was almost seen as "perfect". He could not lose, he could do nothing wrong. So when he does mess up it is huge.
What got me thinking is if this same kind of publicity would be present if this were a female athlete. My primary reaction was "No, no way. People simply do not care about female sports as much as they do male sports." I got thinking even more though and realized that a female athlete in a similar situation as Tiger Woods (high caliber athlete, successful, wealthy, caught doing something immoral) would prob get as much press coverage or more. The difference is though that they would receive different types of press. It would not simply be a criticism of the athlete, it would become a criticism of the sport as a whole or the entire female athlete population. The press is still not fully comfortable with women sports and are looking for any reason to demonize them.
Chris Wolf
TuTh 9:30
The Tiger woods story has been blown way out of proportion. This athelete has had a major impact in the world of golf. Tiger's presence alone has risen the popularity of the sport by 50% and all the media can do it bash him to the groud like he never existed. What ashame for somebody who has shed blood, sweat, and tears for the love of the game. Although, he is a public figure and under the watchful media eye he deserves the privacy granted to every human being despite the wrongful doings. Had this been a female athelete the media would care less what is going on.
Branching off the knowledge and tools learned in women in sport, here is another factor how the media can be detrimental to someones professional career. Female atheletes make the front page because of their sexy image not their athletics talents. Tiger has been in the news everyday for something not even related to his area of sport which is tennis. I wish the media spend as much energy on female sports rather than gossip about an atheletes private life.
Brandon Rainer kin 338I tues/thur 930
Correction on my blog its supposed to say golf...tennis was on my mind sorry....
Brandon rainer
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