Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Razor's Edge

This article touches upon the issue of sports an the use of performance enhancing drugs. Everyone knows that this is a hot topic in sports today and the reason for that is because we are also aware that many professional athletes not only use but abuse these drugs. The article explains that the motive for use of anabolic steroids is the competitive world we live in. All athletes want to have the edge on someone. Whether be faster or stronger, it is on an athlete's nature to have the advantage. Many of these athletes are lost on that motive itself. They become blind of the side effects and circumstances. Of course, their thoughts are occupied by winning and not the longer-term mishaps.
Steroids can have the following side effects: liver tumors, jaundice, fluid retention, and high blood pressure. On men, shrinkage of the testicles, reduced sperm count, just to name a few. And for women, side effects include growth of facial hair, deepened voice, and changes in or cessation of menstrual cycles. Clearly, taking these side effects into consideration, one must think taking action to take these drugs are just not worth the return value. For the full story, follow this link.

Andre Zumaeta Kin 332I

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