Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Beginning in the early 20th century, doctors predicted that women partaking in athletic activity would give rise to more lesbians. Supposedly, women were to remain passive and inactive in order to maintain their heterosexuality!? Unfortunately, these beliefs are still somewhat prevalent in our societal beliefs. Instead of women athletes simply gaining power amongst our male hierarchy they instead are stereotyped as homosexuals. So they gained strength, muscle, and assertiveness but right when women are about to gain equal power within our society, society goes and rips it away—again. Our American society associates weakness with homosexuality, anything or anyone that is homosexual automatically carries a negative association. Not only do women athletes suffer from this but male athletes do as well. Coaches and teammates use discriminative language; for example, if an athlete is unable to complete a pass properly he/she is called a “fag.” Athletes and coaches, even spectators, should all refrain from using negative slurs; otherwise, this prejudice will only continue on to the next century.

Amanda H.
KIN338I Sec3018

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