Monday, May 16, 2011

Obesity: A Fear for all Women

In our women in sports class, one of the last topics we learned about was about how women are so concerned about fulfilling what the media delivers as the image of "the ideal image". In the article written by Tanith Carey, she reveals the new trend that the concern about weight is beginning at a very young age and it is very unfortunate. Young girls are beginning to worry whether or not other people believe they are fat, especially girls that are the same age. Media spends billions every year to portray the perfect woman as thin with big breast and thick lips and encourages the public to fit this image. The fact that young girls, beginning at the age of 6, are worrying about their image can lead to drastic problems as we learned in class. These young girls have higher chances of developing eating disorders and never being satisfied with how their image is. I believe that we who obtain the knowledge about what these trends could lead to should take on the responsibility of helping out our younger siblings and daughters and teach them that they do not need to obtain all these images that the media portrays in order to be beautiful. We could help them be comfortable in their bodies and help them live a healthier life.

Elizabeth L.
kin338I S04


Kerrie Kauer said...

Yes it is becoming more and more popular for eating disorders to reach the minds of young girls. This problem must be brought to the surface because of the potential danger it poses to not just young girls but all women. The media is behind this dangerous portrayal of the so called ideal women. These images of unrealistic women threaten young women because the media companies themselves specifically target these women because they too will become potential consumers for whatever it is they might be selling, within the beauty industry. Further we need to help parents with the proper resources in order to quickly identify any signs of eating disorders within there children. This problem or fear of obesity does not discriminate and can enter the homes of any family. Parents must have an avenue to turn to for guidance because this is not a issue that can be simply alleviated by "sweeping it under the rug" so to speak. it is important to mention that i do not have a young daughter and I personally do not know what it is like to here a young girl say "daddy my thighs are fat" and I do not wish that upon any family. However because the problem penetrates into the homes of families parents must arm themselves with a solution. I know I don't have all the answers but I feel that the answer lies within convincing your daughter, aunt, grandma, mom sister that they are beautiful just they way they are and for them to perhaps take up an activity such as yoga in order for them to reconnect with there mind body and soul because studies have shown that yoga does help women with eating disorders however they must be committed to the road to salvation first and parents must be in there child's corner because the battle they face is far to great for a child to face alone. And it is important for other women to know that they are not alone life is to precious to throw away we need to help these women or men before its to late.

Jon Mellone
Kin 338I
Kerrie Kauer Tuesday Thursday

Kerrie Kauer said...

I am really glad you posted this blog because I feel it is extremely necessary. The image that the media portrays of a healthy, pretty woman is something not often obtainable by the general public. It is unfortunate that our society has become so overwhelmed and obsessed with weight and image that even six year old girls are consumed with these images.
Like you had mentioned in your post, such media images create an immense amount of both physical and physchological issues for women. Anorexia, bulimia, excessive excersie, low self esteem, and little confidence are all possible results of the media's portrayl of the perfect woman.
The horrible thing about this societal epidemic is that it creates internal conflict in indivduals. When people are not confident or do not feel good about themselves, their entire life is at risk. The only way to succeed and be happy is to feel good on the inside, but that is the opposite feel the media gives off.
Women in particular are targeted because there are numerous expectations of the ideal, "perfect" woman. Victoria Secret models and ultra slim actresses are what the media portray as "beautiful" but it is no sectret that those body types are nearly impossible to obtain.
By motivating girls of all ages to embrace their bodies, we, as a society, can hopefully shift the media's portrayal of women from needing to be skinny and slim to confident and sucessful.

Brittany Bowlin
kin 338I. S4
Tu/Th 930-1045