Monday, May 16, 2011

Awareness Assignment Reaction

After listening to everyones awareness assignment project i was amazed to hear what their findings were, particularly for the sports illustrated media critique. To me it was interesting to hear that they found little to no articles and pictures with women in the magazine. This was surprising to me becuase when i watch ESPN there seems to be an even amount of coverage of women and men in things such as commercials and such. It is also sad to hear that women are not being represented equally at this day of age. Although we are not that far from the installation of Title IX we are a long way from the installations of women rights. This was also sad for me to hear becasue I, myself, am a woman. It just makes me realize how much further we need to get to equality with regards to gender. I grew up in a home mainly of women so all these things about women not being treated equally was never brought to my attention becuase women in family were treated with respect and were always the ones that made all the decisions, etc. So from seeing this as a child made me believe that it is sort of like that in the real world. After taking this course it makes me realize how much women have done in the past to get where we are now and how much more we need to get to the ultimate goal of equality.

-Krysta A. KIN 338I-Section 04

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