Friday, March 14, 2008

Ten Reasons Why Women Lift Weights

When I came across this article, I thought to myself "Great someone finally understands that weight-training is beneficial to women both phsically and mentally." But, after reading further along, I noticed that women will inevitably be seen as the typical "victorian women."

Take for example, the first reason.,"You will be physically stronger." Yes, this is indeed true. However, the explanation that follows can be a bit disturbing. It states that women would need less assistance in doing things such as chores, lifting kids, lifting groceries, and laundry. So take notes ladies, we lift weights for the benefit of doing things society has bestowed upon us.

Next, the article states that women will improve their athletic performance. I found it very odd that the article only mentions types of sports where physical activity is minimal, such as, golfing, cycling, and skiing. Sports that do not involve physical contact whatsoever.

Finally, the last reason the article states as to why weight-lifting is beneficial is because it will improve your attitude and fight depression. This is the one that is most disturbing because it is implying that women are so emotional that we need physical training to boost self-esteem and confidence.

This article totally psyched me out because after reading the title, I was under the impression that I would be in for a good reading that recognizes the physical well-being of women. Instead, it correlates with old-fashion society that women have specific roles and attitudes. However, the upside of the article is that weight-lifting can be healthy in terms of decreasing risk of osteoporosis and reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Pamela Jasmin Kin 338I TTh 9:30am

1 comment:

Kerrie Kauer said...

Great observations, well written, and to the point.

S. Stallmo