Monday, March 24, 2008

Outside The Lines: Girls Wrestling

Above is a short clip on from a longer segment titled "Girls Taking Hold" that I watched on a recent episode of Outside The Lines. This short segment highlights CC Webber, a high school female wrestler who has a record of 50 wins with thirteen losses, and of the 50 wins, 46 were against males. So 46 boys have the embarassing experience of losing to a girl and even CC laughs as saying "If I was a guy and lost to a girl... I would probably not come back and wrestle."
The rest of the full story explains how there are only 5, soon to be 7, NCAA schools that offer scholarships for their women's wrestling teams. Interesting side note here: the addition of women's wrestling programs may indirectly help save men's wrestling programs by balancing athletics expenditures.
And all the men that were interviewed, including coaches, supported the idea of expanding female only wrestling because it was such a lose-lose situation for boys wrestling a girl. If he wins, he only beat a girl. If he loses he stands ridicule for the rest of his career.
Yet those opposed to only wrestling girls were the girls themselves whom were wrestling the boys and winning. CC Webber was interviewed more exstensively and basically says that the girls she has wrestled were not competitive enough and that CC was a much better wrestler as a result of having to compete with the boys.

Expansion of girl's and women's wrestling may be best for the collective group at large whereas allowing girls to compete against boys may be best for the girls' individual mobility. What do you think?

Jesse B. Tu/Thur 9:30

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