Thursday, November 17, 2011


Social media has shaped the PSU scandal to focus more on the reactions of those around as opposed to what is actually happening. It feels that there is more emotions involved in the firing of Joe Paterno than there was regarding the raping of the children themselves. The media has shifted its focus from the case itself to everything surrounding the case.

Penn State had the power to cover up the deviant behavior from the media. They intersect at the point where those with power are able to make the media turn a blind eye to their wrong doings. As long as they have so much power they are able to turn the media away.

The crime was committed because of a flaw in the system. This whole situation was able to get out of hand because of the power that the school has. If it weren't for this idea that the football coaches are invincible and untouchable the number of rapes would have stopped at one. The continued deviance was supported by the organization. The college was able to cover up the scandal and thus allow it to continue to fester. It is not the fault of the person for being corrupted but rather the whole system that allows behavior like this to exist without cracking down on it.

My reaction is one of disgust. The whole situation sucks. Everything from those involved to the reaction of those closest to the situation. Sandusky deserves to be behind bars for the rest of his life were he won't be with children and the only raping that will be going on is most likely not going to be in his favor. Paterno ruined his reputation by allowing something like this to go unattended to, if it weren't for his sterling record I'm sure that he would be either pursued by the courts or ran out of town as he deserves to be. Penn State managed to not only screw up in allowing this to happen and actually helping facilitate further actions by giving him access to everything he needed to continue but then it also failed to save its reputation due mainly to its student population. I understand it is not all the students who are making asses out of themselves but the loud majority have managed to ruin it. Any chance of Penn State salvaging their reputation for the foreseeable future has been lost. The fact that the main concern and focus point for much coverage surrounds Joe Paterno is an abhorrent. Right now there are victims who are dealing with very real concerns that will last for the rest of their lives and yet we are talking about football and what's going to happen to Paterno. Its ridiculous how out of touch with reality these people are. Society in general is just messed up if this is allowed to happen and when it is brought into light we are still able to argue about it. There should not be two sides to this debate, there is clearly obvious evidence that cannot be denied that Sandusky raped children (not fooled around as he claims). It was rape simple as that and yet people are still outraged at the fallout that occurred. All in all I'm just sick of hearing about it, I'm fed up with the whining and arguing, and lastly I'm pissed off that this has to get so out of hand it is even invading into my classes at school. It should have been swiftly dealt with or better yet prevented. Its a bleak day indeed when football is able to overshadow the real life concern of rape involving children. There are more important things going on like Occupy Wall Street and the continually increasing tuition that should be the main concern and talk of college students. Change should be coming from other places that can be built upon. Yet here we are, discussing something that never should have been able to happen distracting us from more important matters. I have absolutely nothing more to say about this topic.

Ryan Plunkett Kin 338/332

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