Monday, December 10, 2012
Stern vs. Spurs
Santiago Guiter.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Title IX
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Sex Truly Sells
Women and Body Image
Everyday girls, teenage girls, and women are exposed to magazines, advertisements, commercials, and etc. that show women who are skinny, with long hair, and pretty faces. This greatly effects women, and I know has affected me! It makes me question, who deemed these women as "beautiful"? Why is it that in our society, skinny is the dominant trait for a women? Not only has media affected my views on how I should look, but I know it has affected many of my friends views. I've known people who have become bulimic and anorexic because they don't look like these women on the covers of magazines- it truly is sad! Although I do believe that being healthy is extremely important, I don't think the women should strive to look like these models/actresses/sport athletes that we constantly see. Women forget that these people probably have trainers, plastic surgery, private chefs, and etc. to help get them that way. They're photo shoots are also photo shopped to make them look better. As spoken in class, this is what causes our society to have "fat phobia". We are scared to not be "fat" because media tells our society we should not be that way. As I said before, healthy is what we should all strive for, not a certain look. I have noticed that being fit is becoming the new in thing, rather than being extremely skinny-which I think is not necessarily the best, but better. Women should be happy the way that they are and not let media cause them unhappiness. If a woman is truly unhappy with her body, she should do something about it because she wants it for herself, not because society tells her too!
Alyssa Salindong
Kin 338I
Last week Sports Illustrated brought out on one of its covers TITLE IX 40 years of change. The entire front cover is all white with black san serif print quoted in a red large quote symbol"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education receiving Federal financial assistance...." June 23, 1972. When I was looking over the magazine the issue presents 50 pages of men in sports, men advertisements, and photographs and only 20 pages about how Title IX was put into effect over the years. Now my question or my curiosity came into place on the date JUNE 23, 1972. Title IX was in place before Rene Portland became head coach at Penn State. If the last incident occurred in 2007 with Jennifer Harris, why was Rene Portland allowed to be sued by the school $10,000. Knowing about Title IX, being aware that she was a leader that many looked up, why wasn't she punished severely for the fact that TItle IX is not a new policy? Why was she not held accountable for her actions in a more severely manner? When I look at the magazine, it feels like its just print that has to be placed in school like instructions on how to use APA format. The magazine should have been all about the beginning before Title IX, the struggles, and the outcomes. Yes, it is true how Title IX speaks out, but does not speak about how the media should portray women in sports. Geannie Tomas KIN 388
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Women Cross Country Runner DQ for wearing Short Shorts
Women In Sports
Kat Talento
KIN 338I.s6
Monday, May 14, 2012
Women in the weight room
D. Bennett Laurrell
005294339 Kin 338i section 02
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Advertisements Displaying Discrimination
As a sports enthusiast, I frequently find myself on sporting websites and watching ESPN daily. While watching these shows and visiting these websites, I am beginning to notice that advertisements are only promoting the discrimination Title IX was intended to destroy. For example, I noticed on websites like Sports Illustrated, that advertisements for men included professional male athletes in their natural sporting element promoting some sort of a product. Other advertisements included alcoholic beverages.
On the other hand, although there were very few advertisements both through TV and internet devoted to women, the ones that were displayed the inferiority of women in sports.
For example, advertisements included home makeovers, deodorant, and running shoes colored pink.
These advertisements, though it may not necessarily be intentional, are supporting the idea that men are the ideal figure for the sporting world, while women athletes should remain feminine and clean natured.
It's not fair to women that they are seen through sporting news as petite and feminine, because they are just as equal to be seen as athletically- gifted individuals in sport. Title IX served as a way to gain equality in sports, however, advertisements are being produced depicting women as inferior to men and with less athleticism. I honestly feel that there is progress, although minimal, towards creating equality and awareness in the media for women in sports. However, I feel that in order to ensure that people gain the proper respect for women, advertisements shouldn't create a wall between men and women's sporting products or news. Women are playing a major role in the sporting industry today from superb college to exceptional professional athletes; these women deserve the right to be portrayed how they are athletically.
Children, especially girls, look up to these women and should have role- models that they truly believe are of amazing athleticism and talent.
Advertisements play a major role in the sporting industry; I only hope that we see positive progress towards what Title IX is all about.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Lesbians/Gays. Should they come out?
-Chazmine Donado
KIN 338i Section 02
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Women in the Media
Fitness Icons
Tiffany Brickey
KIN 338I W 4-6:45PM
LBSU Sand Volleyball Uniforms
-Therese Weed
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Unfair judgements
Richard Bitting
Monday, May 7, 2012
Amanda Beard in the Public Eye
After doing some research I found out that not only is she a public figure, she done a good amount of advertising for different companies. For instance, she posed nude of the cover of Playboy because she has a past in modeling. Not only had she posed nude for one magazine she has posed nude for several. This type of public display allows fans and the public to criticize her motives as an athlete and feminine figure.
In class we have been speaking about the challenge of women being sexualized, trivialized, and marginalized in the media rather than being portrayed as strong, powerful, and athletic. It is interesting that Amanda Beard is all of the above, but not only is she as astonishing athlete she is drop dead gorgeous, has a perfect body, and the an immense amount of sex appeal. This is why she has had the ability to be displayed on the cover of magazines in such a sexual way. But when you look at a photo of Amanda Beard, you do not realize she is an Olympic swimmer, that she has won a multitude of medals for her athletic abilities. What you see is her breasts being exposed, her beautiful face glowing, and her feminine appearance. I can guarantee if she was on the cover of a magazine right now a large portion of the public would have no idea who she is.
The other day I opened an application on my IPhone, "US Weekly" and to my surprise there was an article written about Amanda Beard and her decision pose nude. She was interviewed about her nude photos in the public eye and she apologized for her offense to her fans. She mentioned how she wants the world to see her as a hardworking wife, mother, and athlete. Not just as a sex symbol. She believes that valuing her athletic career is important and spending more time relating herself to her athletic traits will only benefit her in the future.
I just thought it was a coincidence I decided to do my Awareness Assignment on Amanda Beard, and then about a week later she did an interview with Us Weekly Magazine to express her side on posing nude versus posing athletic. And to top it all off, all of this directly related to our class discussions.
Chelsie Kurz
Kin 338I
Wednesday 4-645
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Edgar D.
Kin338I Sec2
Monday, April 16, 2012
ESPN’s Lack of Coverage on Female Athletes
Every morning, I find myself on ESPN’s official website catching up on the day’s top stories. Each day, I scan the website’s main pages to find any articles that capture my interest. Sometimes I spend hours on the website just reading up on what is going on in the sports world. At this point, I have come to realize that I am a huge sports junkie, and also that I know the ESPN website like I know the back of my hand.
As a result, I have come to the conclusion that ESPN has an extremely low percentage of coverage on female athletes. Every once in a while, the website does publish stories about occurrences in women’s sports, but always seems to place these articles at the very end of the headline list. Eventually, these stories are removed altogether from the front page in order to make room for news about men’s sports. It seems as if ESPN posts about women simply to fulfill some sort of quota they might have about covering women’s sports.
At ESPN, there is a lack of enthusiasm toward female athletes and I feel that this needs to be improved. If there is more coverage on female athletes at ESPN, then attitudes toward women’s sports will begin to change.
Edwin Martin
Wed 4-6:45 PM
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Congratulations Baylor on a perfect season..
Women Sports
Monday, April 2, 2012
Trayon Martin's case- Don't Make Quick Judgements
Kinn 338I
W 4-6:45
A League of Their Own

When I started taking KIN 338I the first movie film that came to my mind was "A League of Their Own". This film shows the trials and tribulations of an All American Women's Baseball team during World War II. Because of WWII, the Men's Baseball League was diminishing because many of the men were being drafted into the war. Women in this movie had the sole roles of housewives, until some were drafted into an American Women's League, which was created to keep the game of baseball alive during the War.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
-Champagne J.
Pat Summit!!
As I am following the Women's NCAA Basketball tournament it has made me pay more attention than ever to the amazing and most winningest coach of Tennessee's women's team, Pat Summitt and I came across this article: Her and her Lady Vol's just lost to the amazingly talented Baylor team yesterday, which could have put Summitt into her 19th final four. She has been coaching for 38 seasons now, and after this game everyone is trying to figure out what is in Summitt's future, and if she will retire or return for her 39th season as head coach. This woman is a huge role model and big influence for all women wanting to be a coach. She persevered through so much, and even was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's and fought through it this past year. Regardless what she chooses to do, I hope she is truly honored for her work. She is an amazing coach and is better than pretty much every coach even the male coaches. I hope she inspires many more women to want to be coaches and help them to realize how great they can be. As I did research for my panel position paper I came across a couple articles that talked about how its impossible for women coaches to have long careers because of marriage and children, but Pat Summitt went against the odds and had a long and very successful career as the head coach of a women's basketball team! I hope everyone will remember her not only as a coach but as a WOMAN!!!!
Tiffany Brickey
KIN 338I Wed 4-6:45pm
Women Playing the Craziest Sport
Richard Bitting, Kin 338I Women in Sport
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
As i was doing research for my panel paper, I came across an article entitled "As Girls Become Women, Sports Pay Dividends" by Tara Parker - Pope. In the article it explores the effects of Title IX in the lives of girls through research. Statistics show that having girls be more active in sports can help increase the quality of their future. ".. changes set in motion by Title IX explained about 20 percent of the increase in women’s education and about 40 percent of the rise in employment for 25-to-34-year-old women". (Pope, 2010). According to research, sports help people do better in life. In my opinion it is definitly better to have Title IX, so that we can give more opportunities for girls to do sports. It is amazing how sports can change or better the life of an idividual. It was also stated in the article that due to Title IX and the increase in girls playing sports, the obesity risk for women 20 to 25 years later has declined. I find it amazing that an increase in participation in sports can have so much impact in the live of girls everywhere. Eventhough this is definitly good news, there is still work to be done because statistics show that there is still a low number of active female athletes. I believe that because we are armed with this information we should keep going and fight for equality, especially if invovlement in sports can increase the quality of life of an individual for the future.
Kat Talento
When Women Win Too Much
Women and MMA
Dana White (UFC's president) has gone on record as saying "women have no place in this sport". However, there have been notable (and astonishingly talented) women competing in MMA for years. Let's break this down in mathematical terms-- here we have a sport that we are labeling "brutal" (which I don't agree with). Once something is labeled brutal, it is automatically assumed women should not participate because women are "Delicate" and can't handle this type of thing. It's really too bad that we limit what women can do based on silly labels that we place on ALL things, but in this case sports.
Bennett L.
Kin338i Sec.02
Saudi Women & the Olympics
Kin 338I
W 4-6:45
Monday, March 26, 2012