Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Women Sports

Before taking this class, I didn't realize how hard it was for women to become apart of the sports world. I personally love to play sports, especially basketball. After having a lecture about basketball in this class, I appreciate the sport even more now. What I have learned from class, basketball consisted of no dribbling, no contact, and no male fans watching. To this extent, what is the point of playing basketball right? Women were really short handed of ability when it came to sports because of the fact that we are women and we don't belong in the sports world. To me, I believe that in order to play basketball, you need the excitement of contact, dribbling and shooting the ball, and of course, playing as a team. One of the many coaches that I've had growing up once told me that men derived their shooting from the way females have been shooting. Pretty weird right? Then again, I analyzed male players and the way that they shoot and it's true, the form is similar to the way females shoot and are more accurate. I believe that the only reason why men's basketball is more popular amongst the world is because it is more entertaning by them dunking the ball, and most of all, they have more skills than women in that they are quicker and because they are male and they are suppose to belong in the sports world. Women have evolved in the sports world throughout the years. Being able to be apart of basketball and any other sports is a major accomplishment for me because I know that I have now become part of history and can make a change, even if it is not a big change. To be able to be part of something that women always longed to do is such an amazing experience. Being in this class helps me realize more about women in sports and how we were treated in the past and now, because of Title IX, we are able to be equal with men and have the opportunity to be able to either be better than them, or at least be at their level of athletic ability.

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