Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Women Playing the Craziest Sport

Women should be able to serve in combat roles. Women have been serving honorably in both Iraq and Afghanistan for the past 10 years. As of January 2011 110 women had been killed in Iraq and 24 have lost their lives in the Afghan campaign. Women make up about 14% of the armed services. Of the roughly 2.2 million troops that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan more than 255,000 have been women.  Women have only been allowed to serve in support units not direct combat units. This has caused glass ceiling effect for women in the military. Combat units make up approximately 10% of Marine Corps and Army occupational specialties; therefore not letting them participate in these fields creates an obstruction to promotions and advancement. The military has made many great strides in the past year letting lesbian and gays serve open in the military and for the first time letting Navy women serve on submarines. By not letting women serve in combat roles it casts a shadow on the sacrifices so many women have made for the country. A woman who is well disciplined, smart and physically fit would do great in an infantry unit. The military needs to let women compete on the greatest sports team.( the grunts)
Richard Bitting, Kin 338I Women in Sport

1 comment:

axel d.kin338is2 said...

I believe they should be given the option if they want to go to the front lines or not. I personaly wouldnt like to see them in combat, but if they want equal rights, go ahead, give them the green light.