Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Effects of Title IX on Women's lives

       As i was doing research for my panel paper, I came across an article entitled "As Girls Become Women, Sports Pay Dividends" by Tara Parker - Pope. In the article it explores the effects of Title IX in the lives of girls through research. Statistics show that having girls be more active in sports can help increase the quality of their future. ".. changes set in motion by Title IX  explained about 20 percent of the increase in women’s education and about 40 percent of the rise in employment for 25-to-34-year-old women". (Pope, 2010). According to research, sports help people do better in life. In my opinion it is definitly better to have Title IX, so that we can give more opportunities for girls to do sports. It is amazing how sports can change or better the life of an idividual. It was also stated in the article that due to Title IX and the increase in girls playing sports, the obesity risk for women 20 to 25 years later has declined. I find it amazing that an increase in participation in sports can have so much impact in the live of girls everywhere.  Eventhough this is definitly good news, there is still work to be done because statistics show that there is still a low number of active female athletes. I believe that because we are armed with this information we should keep going and fight for equality, especially if invovlement in sports can increase the quality of life of an individual for the future.

Parker-Pope, T. (2010, Febuary 15). As Girls Become Women, Sports Pay Dividend. Retrieved from New York Times: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/02/15/as-girls-become-women-sports-pay-dividends/

Kat Talento

1 comment:

axel d.kin338is2 said...

I dont think equality should be the answer. More than spending energy trying to compare with men, women should compete with themselves for their own improvement. women should eliminate they ego oriented approach and attain a task and intrinsic model which will help them improve their lives.