Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Stroller Stride

Most people have heard of Stroller Strides in the fitness industry. I recently had the creator and business owner of Stroller Stride, Lisa Druxman, speak in one of my classes. I thought it was amazing that a women could develop such a franchise that revolutionized working out for mothers. Women athletes tend to hold off on pregnancy in order to accomplish sport achievements. Lisa has made working out possible for women in children. The concept of working out with your child in a stroller has also become a bonding period for the mother and child.
Its hard enough for women to get praised in sport and in the fitness industry because of a gender ideologies and social construction of values. Women are viewed as caregivers and men are the bread winners but in this case women can do both. This is common among women in the 2oth century. Women have become the definition of a multi-tasker. They take care of the children and still have a career. I think the concept of Stroller Strides has really given women an upper hand in staying fit while being able to be with their children.
Jackie O. Kin 332 sec 01

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