Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"The Overall Reason"

As I was driving home from Church the other day, the lady I was carpooling with asked about the classes I was taking in school. Among those classes, I mentioned my Women in Sports class. Baffled, she asked what it was about. In my explanation, I reiterated the common themes that had been discussed in class (Title IX, oppression, gender discrimination, transgender issues, and so forth). It was her reaction that caught me off gaurd though.

She responded with disgust. She couldn't believe there was actually a class to promote women in sports. She felt that the overall reason that women's athletics was not receiving as much money was simply because there is no interest in it. She continued to bash the concept that women should be able to have the same opportunities as men in regards to athletics and state furthermore that "women need to stop complaining and face the facts."

After thinking about the kind of lifestyle she had grown up with, I soon came to an understanding. She never played sports! She never cared about playing sports either so of course she was going to have only negative things to say about it. Why do people always shoot down or form negative opinions about things they have never tried or cared about? Isn't it the same as not liking carrots without trying them? Sometimes the ignorance of others baffles me to such extremes that I strongly worry about the people of the world.

Basically it was a short car ride after that point...

David Lockwood (sorry it was posted twice)
Kin 338I Section1

1 comment:

Kerrie Kauer said...

Unfortunately, I believe that. It is sad how interwoven these sexist notions are in our modern society's thinking. I know many people who share the same feelings as the lady you were carpooling with. Hopefully one day we will all be enlightened, and deviate from those oppressive ideologies.

-Chase S. (Women In Sport / Section 338I. s. 6)