Monday, March 8, 2010

Gender Testing in Sports

I'm not too educated in the politics and issues behind gender testing in sports especially for women's sports, but I do stand on the side that there should be gender testing. Issues around gender, are quite convoluted and complicated as it requires both physiological and psychological testing to determine whether or not they meet the criteria or requirements to compete as a woman. What are the requirements to compete as a woman? If you are a female than you would have XX chromosomes and if not then they are not female. This is how I look at the situation but obviously there are many more issues involved. According to an ESPN article, if an "athlete has always thought she's a woman or been a woman, it's not exactly cheating." This proposes a lot of grey area. However, it well documented and studied that physiologically, in terms of performance, males and females are different. Men are superior in some aspects such as strength, speed, and explosiveness while women are much more adept at endurance. These physiological differences would carry over and be exaggerated n the realm of sports as strength, endurance, and speed are what is measured and eventually awarded for.

Ray K. - KIN 338I (TuTh 9:30-10:45)

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