Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Closing Statements 
To my fellow 338ers this class has most certainly been one that was different from the rest. From the first day icebreaker where we walked in reverse circles to the panel debates where Damien chewed out the opponent. I thought i was pretty open minded before this class but i really do believe that this class has shed more insight into my life. I never knew how heterosexist we all  are or how saturated our society is in inflated claims of beauty, or the fact that america the land of the free is still oppressing women and homosexuals through out its free land... I honestly though that i would be doing a research paper on the Williams sisters but wow I was mistaken through it all I would like to close this semester by saying it has been an honor to learn with you all well some of you... no I kid, this class was one that I will remember. thank you Coach K and Kiola as well as all of my fellow equalist 338ers. 
David Rehm
Kin 338i section 02

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