Friday, September 10, 2010

Why Female Athletes Pose in the NUde

Some opposers say that the necessity of females posing in the nude is so the sales of their magazines or other products will sell more or have more ratings. sex sells. yes it does but why? why do we have to sell ourselves to the media through sexual appearances in athletics instead of by our talent? professional athletes are in the pros as a career, as a way to make money, but why do they have to expose themselves provocatively? it is because people are more attracted to sex than to the actually media of sports when it comes to reading say a magazine or an article online. people don't want to read these days unless it is something "interesting" such as sexual poses or nude pictures. it may be debated that the professional athletes make so much money that they should do whatever they want to i.e. pose nude but when it comes to female athletes, is that down grading our sports and our abilities to prove that we are professional and athletic? i think that it is unnecessary to pose nude to gain ratings from the media that women should just prove themselves professionally to be taken seriously in the athletics department of their careers. some other women may pose nude as their career on porn videos or even as models for say playboy but that "is" their profession. they are paid to do that and that's the career they went into. athletes get paid to do it as well but if women are trying to promote our athletics as well as that we have the ability to be as successful as men's sports then we shouldn't have to "sell" ourselves to the media to get support. we should be supported because we are great athletes as well as for that we, as women, have fought so hard to have women sports so we should support it! what do you think? do you take female athletes seriously when they pose nude in a magazine?
-Chelsea Castaneto
KIN 338i
T/TH 9:30am-10:45am


Kerrie Kauer said...

i agree with much of what you say. Sex sells with women for a few reasons. there is obviously the visual stimulation for people to see a famous athlete pose in a way that is maybe aligned with some of their fantasies. female athletes don't have to do it and shouldn't if they don’t truly want to but financial incentive is tough to pass up. i also think there is a want for females to pose in the nude provocatively instead of in an artistically aesthetically pleasing way because when women are successful in sport doing well gaining attention they are breaking into the gendered masculine norm so to objectify them them sexually, even submissively brings them back down to the constructed gendered feminine subjects of men's desires. they are not challenging a masculine hegemonic belief anymore but reflecting it. this is why i believe we probably don't see men in bodybuilding underwear or speedos doing sexually submissive poses on the cover of magazines. right now, the only way female athletics will be promoted to a greater extent is to make it somewhat marketable. this can be viewed good or bad. if enough people will spend their capital on the sport because of the sport thats good but of course if they spend their capital for other reasons to see them, such as constructed gendered feminine norms they will be subjected again to these types of behaviors as you state. as for if i take them seriously if they are in a magazine, im not sure exactly. I don't really know them or any athlete really. we get mediated and controlled information from athletes deflecting who they really are so that they don't damage the preferred hegemonic ideal of an athlete. sometimes we catch a glimpse but then that athlete is discredited. if i had to give an answer if i take these female athletes posing nude as credible then i would say, no. in my opinion, when people are in front of cameras they pose, and are directed...i don't think they ever come into a shoot and are asked to wear what they like and to be like themselves.
-derek pavia, 332I t/th 12:30-1:45

Kerrie Kauer said...
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Kerrie Kauer said...

I agree with the idea that women athletes do not have to take off their clothes and pose for sexy photo to be considered an excellent athlete. I’m sometimes confused that if female athletes who often times grace the cover of a magazine are truly athletes or they are trying to became a member of celebrity. I think that this is not their fault to be considered that way but it would be hard for some of them living to be a professional athlete. Because they require the baking of a reputable farm in order to enhance their performance. Therefore, I believe that there is an incompatible estimation between their true ability as a athletes and their appearance that people judge them without the athletic ability.

Minako Harigai (kin 338I tth9:30-10:45)