Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I read the article about the skechers ad targeting young girls. What I found most interesting was the way the ad presented itself. At first glance, the ad may seem innocent enough--girls being chased by the temptations of bad eating habits. That to me seems like a noteworthy goal for young girls to acknowledge. However, the clincher came when skechers tried to market their shape-up shoes for young girls as the answer to said eating temptations. Based on the ad and from what I have seen from the in-class readings, it seems like eating healthy and exercising is good, but you don't necessarily need some shoes in order to do it; and that is where I believe the ad to be betting it on. It seems like the reasons behind it are all wrong and that there is no empowerment for girls who are already under pressure from society to look and act a certain way. I also read some of the comments pertaining to the article and was amazed at what some people had to say. There was one woman who basically said that since girls would not 'win' in the conformity battle against the societal norm that they should just work within it and go with what they have. That response just made it clearly evident that for all the women out there that are working towards equality and to gain some agency, there are those still ignorant and willing to bend to whatever comes their way.

Arick L
KIN 338I, S6
Tu/Th 9:30

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