Monday, March 8, 2010

Nike Athlete Campaign

After reading the article “Just Do What” in our class textbook, I thought a lot about the Nike women’s commercial. I never looked at the slogan “Just Do It” in a negative view because I have always thought of it as encouraging. I watch sports on television, especially women’s professional basketball. I see a lot of the Nike women’s commercial during the women’s basketball airtime. I enjoy seeing these commercials because it always has different slogans that aim towards getting women athletes’ voices heard. There is one commercial that has stuck with me. To me, I did not have any negative interpretations as to how some may have interpreted the Nike slogan of “Just Do It.” This commercial is called the Nike ATHLETE Campaign Commercial. Luckily, I found it on Youtube and have pasted the link below. In this commercial, it basically has female athletes come up to state why women athletes are just as good as men. They each come up one by one to say what biases female athletes face. There is one gentleman that comes up and says that female athletes must overcome the bias of men’s game being better than women’s game. One female athlete said that men may be stronger, bigger, and faster than women, but an athlete should not be based on just those factors. Towards the end of the commercial, each woman states what kind of sport they play. And at the end of the commercial, a woman states that “It’s not a girl thing. It’s not a boy thing. It’s a skills thing.” I just thought that last line has a really good meaning to it and just stuck with me ever since that commercial aired. Since we are all taking the Women in Sport class, I felt that others might be interested as well.

Thanh Duong
Kin 338 tu/thu 9:30am-10:45am

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