Monday, March 8, 2010

Just Do It

After reading from the textbook, the article titled "Just Do...What?", it really got me thinking about woman's rhetoric in commercials and other things. When watching the commercial for the first time, I saw what Dworkin and Messner were talking about. The commercial had nothing to do with the brand Nike, but they were just speaking out about how they can be equal and how playing in organized sports helps them. The slogan "If you let me play.." leads most people to be encouraged by this and pro-women sports. But after reading the article, it broke down simply to that it has nothing to do with the brand.
The other commercial i wanted to analyze was the Tim Tebow commercial from the last Super Bowl. There was controversy when he "tackled" his mom but it's his mother! It was just a joke and some people just over analyzed it to the utmost extreme. I personally loved the commercial because the focus was NOT on femininity, and pro women, it was aimed towards the importance of family. And that's what it's all about.
Below is the link for the Nike commercial and the Tim Tebow commercial.

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