Monday, December 15, 2008

Athlete Mothers

Recently news has surfaced that Olympic Gold Medalist Keri Walsh is pregnant! This is big news for the 2-time Beach Volleyball Olympic Gold Medalist because this is her first child.
"I'm chubby and I'm pregnant and it's awesome!" That was her response when asked about her pregnancy.
Here's the story:

I bring this up because of the stereotype there is about female athletes. The stereotype that female athletes are butch, tomboy, lesbian, or "dykes." In society when people see a woman over six feet tall and athletic the first thing that comes to mind is that they are lesbian. Female athletes have faced these prejudices for many years. Yes, there are some female athletes that are lesbian but there are also some that aren't. Also, people tend to believe that the best women athletes are butch. This story proves that it isn't true. Here is one of the best volleyball players in the world pregnant with her first child. If this doesn't break the stereotype then I don't know what can or will. Women should not be afraid to be the best athlete they can be becuase or what other people will say or think about them.

sorry.. i forgot to sign this.. my fault.
Alain Zambrano


Kerrie Kauer said...

Women athletes who are mothers are becoming much more common. I also read an article of a basketball player named Tina Thompson who was chosen in the WNBA draft throughout 1977 and attended Morningside High School 1993 and was named AAA CA player of the year. Tina led the Houston Comets throughout four championship seasons and gave birth to her son Dylan 2005 she continued to play in the 2006 and also 2008 Beijing olympics. Tina Thompson really caught my attention for being so strong and athletic as well as carrying a child. Tina Thompson also came from a very poor neighborhood near my home and yet was able to use her skills to accomplish so much in her life. I am proud to see much more maternal women like Tina and Keri Walsh becoming strong enough to have great physical bodies and keep there female bodies bearing children.
Alondra Cobian kin 338sect 01

Kerrie Kauer said...

I was so happy to hear that Kerri Walsh was prego with her first baby! I read about it when it first was announced and couldn't be happier for her. After watching her work so hard and to see the determination in both her and Misty May-Treanor, I think they both deserve some time off to start families if they want to. I also agree that it is good that as a society we are breaking the stereotyping barriers, but I don't necessarily think that by having a baby that they are breaking them. I feel like the women we have learned about through the semester were having babies to almost prove that they weren't lesbian. Kerri is having a baby because she wants to and not because she is proving her sexuality.

Codi Conley