Tuesday, March 8, 2011

blog 1 adam jaurigui 007787791

The movie we saw in class today demonstrated an aspect of humanity that I was unfamiliar with. First of all, I was impressed by the girls soccer team that beat many boy teams because that was an amazing accomplishment. Them beating the boys soccer teams enabeled us to get a better acknowledgement of humanity, social norms, and gender roles, especially from the parents reactions. I'm refering to when the girls would be winning and the opposing teams parents would shout, "they're only girls", which displays them as subordinates of some sort when in fact they are capable of doing things men can do. I know it doesn't occur often that girls join boys league, but this story was remarkable in the fact that the boys aprenhended that the girls are just as capable of winning. From that experience they were able to identify there should be no stigmas about women or girls because they play hard and tough as well. These qualities the boys have adopted may hopefullty be held with them as they enter workforce as they will able to see how women are stratified in a negative matter.

It's interesting how gender assumptions are adopted, and evidently it develops from primary socialization which is the family. Fathesr teach their kids that girls are not capable of competing at the same physical level as boys; furthermore, the boys are brain washed from their yelling father that boys shouldn't lose to girls whereas they enter the league disregarding any competition from the girls what so ever. I enjoyed the ending because the girls learned and proved important things as well. It good to see the tools the kids were adopting from competitive sports because it will construct their morals, values, and discipline as they grow up.

Adam Jaurigui


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