Monday, May 17, 2010

Distance Learning final

1)Did your view of women in sport change as a result of this course? Why or why not?

I did change my opinions about women in sport. For the longest time, I had the same views and opinions as many male viewers, as well as the views of the Sports anchors for the News channels (I don't watch ESPN or other sports only channels). I didn't really think that women could do all that they had done, and that they had been fighting for equality in sports for longer than I had though. I now believe that female athletes have as much right to the same coverage as male athletes and that they work just as hard, and go through the same struggle that males do.

2)Complete the following sentence: I used to think — but now I think —

I used to think that it was okay for women in sports to be portrayed the way they have been in mainstream media, but not I think that they're being exploited and that even if they DO know how they're being shown, it's demeaning to them and their sport and the portrayals are not equal or just.

Sarah Garcia
TuTh 2-315
KIN 338I

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