Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Scary Dykes" article

The newsletter article “Scary Dykes” and “feminine Queens”: Stereotypes and female Collegiate Athletes, written by Kerrie Kauer and Vikki Krane is a study conducted to female collegiate athletes. The study was base on the interviews conducted to 15 female athletes on the stereotypes they receive. Kauer and Krane describe the reason why stereotypes are use and the effect they have on the individual well being. They explain that stereotypes destroy the perceptions of female athletes and promote negative ideologies leading to underestimation in sports and in society. In this article female athletes were interview and ask to describe their athletic experience. Some athletes describe how they were view as lesbians because of the sport they play. Even if they were not lesbians they were view as lesbians when a team mate came out. One athlete describes how she was labeled as lesbian for not dating a guy. This article also describes that the main reason why the athletes receive the stereotypes is because of their physical appearance and attire.

Maura Rodriguez

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