Thursday, June 9, 2011

Where true beauty is

Eating disorders, in and out of the sport environment, are becoming much more common for Americans and at a young age as well as adulthood. There are high pressures put upon the public to conform to what is declared acceptable and attractive. Unfortunately the message of what fill the criteria of beauty can be mixed or distorted by what is portrayed in our media.

Movies for children show full grown women with unrealistic body proportions. The Barbie doll, for example, sets a standard that is unachievable and females can get a sense of being imperfect and not measuring up to what their childhood notion of what beauty is. The main focus of what is heard on the radio exalts a millionaire fantasy lifestyle that supports a Barbie dreamland where skin deep beauty is glorified.

However, the results of the fantasy are short lived and the devastating consequences are long-term. A very high number of people in America suffer from eating disorders. These disorders usually start from an incident at childhood which sticks in the individual's mind about their outward image.

So where does beauty come from? When we look at a spectacular painting, we give praise and glory to the painter, so too, when looking at how marvelous the human body is where it is self-healing when injured, the retina contains 137,000,000 light sensitive cells, has an internal intricate code system: DNA, and yet consists of the same elements found in the earth's crust, there is an obvious presence of Design.

True Beauty
Jacob Keiper
May Intercession 2011

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