Every morning, I find myself on ESPN’s official website catching up on the day’s top stories. Each day, I scan the website’s main pages to find any articles that capture my interest. Sometimes I spend hours on the website just reading up on what is going on in the sports world. At this point, I have come to realize that I am a huge sports junkie, and also that I know the ESPN website like I know the back of my hand.
As a result, I have come to the conclusion that ESPN has an extremely low percentage of coverage on female athletes. Every once in a while, the website does publish stories about occurrences in women’s sports, but always seems to place these articles at the very end of the headline list. Eventually, these stories are removed altogether from the front page in order to make room for news about men’s sports. It seems as if ESPN posts about women simply to fulfill some sort of quota they might have about covering women’s sports.
At ESPN, there is a lack of enthusiasm toward female athletes and I feel that this needs to be improved. If there is more coverage on female athletes at ESPN, then attitudes toward women’s sports will begin to change.
Edwin Martin
Wed 4-6:45 PM